Test Page

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec at molestie orci. Ut tellus enim, posuere quis pellentesque et, interdum sit amet nunc. Vestibulum enim leo, sagittis ut imperdiet ut, fringilla quis odio. Integer nec posuere urna. Phasellus lobortis nunc non orci condimentum vel tristique neque ullamcorper. Nunc enim tellus, semper at tristique lobortis, bibendum et nibh. Vivamus sit amet nisl augue. Mauris in quam a tortor fermentum vehicula in non felis. Proin elementum convallis mauris, a condimentum turpis porta id. Curabitur at urna nisl. Nunc ac nisi nisi. Cras aliquet ultricies ultricies. Vestibulum blandit orci quam, et mollis leo. Donec interdum sagittis posuere. Quisque dolor ligula, molestie elementum blandit id, pharetra ac erat. Maecenas dictum aliquet ante.

  This is a test page and I should be practicing as much as possible.

I should be practicing Monday but Monday I prefer to play , Tuesday is a day up in the clouds and  Ψ and I just found these cute characters to insert when needed or just to look pretty – not to mention useful ≈®©  Voila.

Now I see the numbers are on the left on the pix… : ( How do I remove them without deleting the pix??? 

Hahaha that was easy!

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